Gender and Friendship

Guy Best Friend – How To Have One as a Male?

Every man craves a beer buddy or a football companion. Unfortunately, a study highlights an ongoing “male friendship recession.” It meant that there had been a decline in friendships between guys. There are many reasons, but this is definitely not a good sign. However, despite these distressing times, you still wish to make the best guy friends and have come to the right place.  

By the end of this think piece, we are sure you will get some terrific tips. So, let’s get going!

 Tips on Making Guy Best Friend 

Here we list some tips for you, and we hope they help you to the fullest!

1. Find similar interest

Making friends as an adult guy might become a tad difficult. Though you might be looking for a more profound relationship, it might not be easy. To simplify this, it’s best to find a common interest. If you like football, look for a guy who likes it too! Because of this, you will have a platform to start a conversation!

2. Be proactive and approachable

When you hope to make new friends and cherish them, it’s best to be approachable. When you are among people, smile and talk to people; try striking up a conversation. Most importantly, maintain a calm and welcoming body language, which will signify to people that you are approachable and open for friendship.

Most importantly, if you are invited to events, ensure to mark your participation. Don’t be a spoilsport and ignore people. Whenever free, take the initiative to attend the events unless you are way too busy!

3. Be yourself

A lot of times, to impress other people, individuals put on a façade. It is deceptive and hurts people when your actual face is revealed. Instead, be yourself. Be a natural. Don’t force yourself to be all nicey and goodie-goodie. It’s always great to start off real! Truth and transparency are what keep a relationship together.

4. Be a bit knowledgeable

For an interesting conversation, it’s great to be knowledgeable on an array of topics. There could be topics that you could easily talk about. However, some topics usually don’t come easily to you, and you should stay updated. It’s for your own good. Knowledge never goes waste! This tip will make it easier to start a conversation and keep the people interested, and it might be a milestone in beginning a new friendship. 

5. Show the spark that you are interested

When you are in people, start asking open-ended questions. Keep the vibe going and infuse some exciting talks. Try and understand their interests. And once you hit it off, keep the interaction going. Besides, please do not give them a lackluster reaction and keep the spark coming.

6. Maintain transparency

As mentioned above, BE YOURSELF. It also means that when making a guy best friend, let there be truth and transparency. It will simplify a lot of complications. After all, the foundation of any relationship is the TRUTH! It is essential to show your potential new friends how REAL you are because if you pretend and do not live up to expectations, it will ruin the bonding.

7. Select people who you can gel with

It could be a work colleague with whom you do not interact much or an old-school buddy. Your future guy friend could be anyone, but you must identify them. Don’t overthink and be in the vicinity of people who you think can be your probable guy friends. And once you find them, don’t let them go!

8. Join a group meant for men

Did you know there are many hangout groups of men? If you find it hard to get a guy best friend, you can always enroll in some groups. You may also check out friendship apps, social media groups, and hangout groups wherein you will find like-minded people.  

9. Undertake regular meetings

Don’t just make friends but cherish them fullest by sparing time for each other. Jot down a scheduler and make plans for regular hangouts. Even a 5 min coffee break can do wonders but keep this going. It will help strengthen the bonding, and you might become inseparable guy friends ever!

10. Be a host at times

Don’t always wait for others to host parties, vacations, or short trips. Besides, please don’t wait for them to invite you. Instead, you also take the lead at times. Be a good host and organize some fun and entertaining parties. 

Now that we are clear on the tips of making guy best friends. But do you know why it is essential? Let’s dive in.

Why Is It Important to Have a Guy Best Friend?

Besides sharing a beer or attending sports events together, guys need male friends. There is more to it and let’s see what it is.

  1. Men often are tight-lipped and don’t share their feelings readily. However, they also need to gossip, and sometimes they can’t always talk about it with female friends. Therefore, they need male friends to pour their hearts out. 
  2. There are very few men who are themselves in front of their girl gang. However, they still have some awkwardness lingering and do not show their true self. That’s when male friends step in. 
  3. Sometimes, guys need to confide in something personal, which they might not always do with a female friend. Probably because they are shy or uncomfortable sharing. That’s when a male friend comes in handy. 
  4. Sometimes, the dynamics of male-female friendship can differ. There could be conflicts in thinking. However, that may arise in male friendships too, but guy friends usually have similar tastes and liking. Their thinking may also match to an extent. Therefore, their camaraderie can deepen. Examples of such camaraderie is organizing a bike ride or a beer night! 

On a Parting Note

Making a guy best friend is not difficult, provided you follow some tips. But before concluding, we would like to mention that it also depends on whether you are keen to take this forward. Nothing is impossible if you wish to make friends and bond well for life. Just trust your instinct and cherish friendships for life!

The Friendly Buzzer

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