

Dr Rohit

BAMS, MD & Addiction Practitioner

Dr. Rohit has pursued Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) MD (Ayurvedic Medicine) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation from Auckland. Presently he is working as an Assistant Professor at a reputed Ayurvedic College under the Department of Pediatrics (Ayurvedic).


During his stint as Addiction and Mental health counsellor in Auckland, New Zealand, he got a chance to closely work in residential rehabilitation centre. This centre involved clients with addiction problems along with underlying mental health conditions.


He would regularly undertake one to one counselling sessions with clients regarding their addiction journey in the rehab and recovery of mental health conditions. At present, he is employing his expertise in interacting with children, adults and is trying to study & acknowledge the changing traits in them.


“Relationships play an important role in every person’s life journey, be it any. Amid these turbulent times, friendship is considered to be one of the most significant relationships as it empowers a person to select people to be around them.


Having good friends gives a person confidence to share his/her emotions either good or bad and thus helps them to build a trust factor. Trust plays an important role in personality development and maintaining a health social life.”