13 New Year Resolutions For Friendship To Make in 2023

It’s time to bid farewell to 2022, and 2023 is at your doorstep. The new year is all about embracing new beginnings. So, why should we set friendship aside? Yes, this is the moment to come up with New Year resolutions for friendship. Without any further ado, let’s explore.
Top New Year Resolutions for Friendship
It’s that time of the year to rewind, reflect and practice some life goals, including friendship. Let’s unravel.
1. Strengthen your friendship
Your friends are contacting you constantly but are you ignoring them? Are you missing out on their calls? Are you bailing out from plans? This is the time to strengthen your friendship. Rather make this one of your New Year’s resolutions for friendship.
Please don’t ignore them, rather meet them often. See if they are okay in their life. If your friends are participating in any event, be there to cheer for them. Treat them with their favorite sweets or take them for a drive.
2. Lend them support
At one point, every person needs a shoulder to cry on and support who can hear them out. So, when your friends are asking for emotional support, be with them. Don’t just chat with them on messenger or send them emojis. Be real and meet them up in person. Indulge in activities that will cheer them up.
3. Plan outings
Yeah, that’s true – we all are busy, and we hardly get time to spend with our dear ones. But make this one New year resolution for friendship, which is to spare time for friends. Plan outings, movie marathons, or go for casual coffee dates. Traveling along with those unlimited gossips and bonding will renew your friendship altogether.
4. Don’t forget to compliment each other
Appreciating one another can make a huge difference. Don’t just compliment but say it like you truly mean it. When they are looking good, let them know. When they achieve success, be there for them to cheer and applaud. Your kind words can make a great difference in someone’s life.
5. Help each other to tackle challenges
We all are grappled with challenges, be it professional or personal. And there are times when we are unable to tackle them. Your friend may also get caught in such circumstances. So, why not make a New Year resolution for friendship to help each other through thick and thin?
If they are prepping for an interview, help them to calm down. Dress them up and uplift their mood by cracking some silly jokes. This is the time to show how truly you wish the best for your friends.
6. Maintain the memories of your friendship
We all live in the social media arena, but we stay on it 24/7. However, some moments are intimate, which we would like to keep to ourselves. Cherish such moments by maintaining a scrapbook or a friendship journal. Collect all your photos right from childhood to now and put them together. Don’t forget to write notes and captions because they will remind you of those beautiful days.
7. Focus on each other’s health
Good health is the hallway to a good life. However, don’t be selfish and concentrate only on your own health. Rather, push your friend to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. If they are stressed, help them seek professional help.
If they are advised to follow a diet, help them achieve that. Leading and helping someone for a healthy lifestyle can never go waste; especially when a friend is in the picture, you will feel good about helping them.
8. Stay off gadgets when with friends
If you are hardly getting any time to spend with friends, then staying off the gadgets must be your new year resolution for friendship. When you are meeting over for dinner or any meals or small talk, strictly keep yourself away from gadgets.
Concentrate on your talks, instead of phone notifications and your friends will feel special that they are being heard and you are showering your attention. Indeed, one of the best moments where you will feel like patting your own back!
9. Limit messaging and indulge in calls
Don’t waste your time sending emojis, some random quotes, or messages. Try something real, like calling your friend. Why rely on messengers all the time when you can spare a minute on call? Trust me; when they will hear your voice, they will feel relieved and special. Sometimes, calls can do wonders, while messages can’t.
10. Let go of grudges in friendship
“You did not turn up at the house party, then why should I attend yours?” Such grudges in friendship are useless. Wouldn’t it be great to start a new year with a clean slate? A new year calls for new beginnings. Let go of all inhibitions and reservations and start everything afresh.
11. Send postcard or some handwritten notes
“Going digital” is indeed the “it.” However, for a change, go traditional. Instead of messages, try sending a handwritten letter or a postcard. Your friends would love to read messages written in your handwriting, and they will feel special. This new year’s resolution is mandatory while maintaining a long-distance friendship. Indeed, it will strengthen your friendship more.
12. Find ways to resolve conflicts
Conflicts can arise in the best of friendships too. As a new year resolutions for friendship, ensure to not create drama or make a scene out of it. Rather, take this moment and try your best to mend these conflicted ways. Find solutions to all your friendship hurdles.
Remember that it’s better to speak loving words instead of weaving negativity. Preserving friendship is much more important than brewing arguments and hatred. Be respectful towards them and apologize if needed.
13. Practice healthy friendship habits
Last but not least, practice healthy friendship habits – key new year resolution for friendship. Keep jealousy at bay and stay loyal towards your friends. Don’t indulge in badmouthing or any kind of toxic behavior. Rather invest time in this beautiful relationship because friendships are never for a season but for a lifetime.
The Bottom Line
Above, we have listed an extensive list of advice, tips, and tricks to help you see through your good New Year’s resolutions for friendship. Achieving all of them might not be possible in one go, but you can do it steadily. Start with one and gradually switch to others. It doesn’t matter how much you achieve and succeed, but you must start somewhere!
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