Life Lessons About Friendship – A Must-have Guide!

Friendship is undoubtedly the most beautiful yet complex relationship. Unlike family, where bonds are built by blood, friendship is all about choosing, nurturing, and sometimes challenging the status quo. However, some life lessons about friendship can help you sail through the ups and downs. So, what are these? Let’s find out.
What are the life lessons about friendship?
Loyalty and trust are some of the life lessons about friendship. But there are more, and we are going to unravel all of them.
It’s not about beauty all the time
A lot of friends prioritize beauty over kindness. Yes, if their acquaintance doesn’t look good on camera, isn’t trendy, or doesn’t have access to cool parties, they are easily avoided. Many are being judged on their social media followers, too!
The golden life lessons about friendship are no “likes,” “good looks,” or “cool parties” will help you gain a true friend. This is not meant for the long run—a pure friendship is beyond these materialistic agendas. So, choose and think wisely.
It’s all about quality rather than quantity
Bragging about having a huge friend circle is no good! Cross your heart and identify which of these friends help you more often. How many check on you? The number will boil down to meager, and that’s the harsh reality.
Choose a few friends, but ensure they are trustworthy ones. Understand true friends stick to you through tough times, unlike the ones who show up only during celebrations.
You have to make an effort in friendship
Like any other relationship, friendship also needs care and effort. It’s absolutely easy to drift away when life gets tough or even busy. But whatever happens, true friends stick around each other.
Just a single call, message, or short meeting can do wonders and strengthen bonds. So, at any point, if you think you haven’t spoken to a friend for a long time, then this is the time to pick up the phone and call or message.
The foundation of friendship is trust
Friendship is like a beautiful corner where every individual feels valued and appreciated. This means that trust is what holds friendship together.
When there is true friendship, two people tend to confide in each other, rely on each other, and know that their friend has their back. However, once trust is broken, rebuilding it is very difficult. So, ensure you don’t tear apart this trust.
Your friends aren’t your punching bag
Yes, you might be floored with problems. You want to rage, throw tantrums, bitch, and cry about issues with someone. But understand that friends are not your crying corner. They also have problems and might not vent out every time.
So, understand their emotions, too, and do not dump unnecessarily. Most importantly, no one loves being friends with negative people. So, don’t be a douchebag and instead try spreading positivity.
Jealousy is real in friendships
Jealousy is real in friendships. When one friend succeeds more than the other, jealousy starts brewing. It’s not about success alone; if one friend mingles with a coworker or a neighbor, another friend tends to get jealous. And that’s a human tendency. Jealousy kicks in even when one friend has more social media followers than the other.
Not all friendships last forever, and that’s okay
This one is crucial among the many life lessons about friendship because not all friendships last forever. And that’s absolutely okay! Some friends you’ve been with for 3 years may not be with you in the coming decades.
The reason is a conflict of interest, moving out from the country, or just the vibes never matching. All these reasons are acceptable, but breaking a friendship for a silly reason is not okay. And if you think the friendship breakup happened for some petty reason, it’s better to bid goodbye.
Stay away from takers
Some people rob you of your happiness. Yes, they only take, take, and take and never give back. Such people can never be friends. If you have someone who is exactly the same, then BEWARE!
They are similar to blood-sucking creatures who are liars, talk behind your back, and are outright toxic. The best life lesson about friendship is identifying such monsters and maintaining distance.
Friendship is a two-way street
A friendship where only one person contributes and the other makes no effort isn’t a real friendship. In true friendship, both people contribute equally. This could be listening to each other, supporting each other, or simply keeping in touch. A balanced friendship is indeed a healthy friendship.
Good friends will always give you the best advice
One of the most crucial life lessons about friendship is that true friends will always give you the best advice instead of talking behind your back. They will never lie and will be brave enough to tell you the truth.
Some people shy away from speaking the truth, thus leaving you guessing what really went wrong. But a friend who tells you everything upfront is a true friend.
Balance love and friendship thoughtfully
When you fall in love, you tend to drift away from your friends. Besides, there are times when your partner keeps you away from friends, tagging it as a “toxic friendship.” In such perilous times, it’s on you to decide and balance both relationships thoughtfully.
If you think your partner is right for you, make them understand the importance of your friendship and what your friends have done for you. Despite all this, if your partner still continues to keep you away from true friends, then understand that the relationship may be abusive or toxic. So, think right and take your decision.
True friends are not judgmental
This is a thumb rule – friends don’t judge you. PERIOD! They don’t comment on your weight, your dressing sense, or your job profile.
That’s the most incredible thing about friendship—they love you immensely for who you are, not for your looks or eating habits. But if you think your friends are judging you for your choices, they aren’t your friends at all.
Making friends as an adult may be difficult
Adulthood is a struggle because you tend to become rigid in your thought process. You aren’t as extroverted as you were in your younger days.
Moreover, the battle is even more real for introverted individuals. While many compromise and distract themselves from the monotony of life, a few refuse to budge and stay away from friends.
Over to you…
Friendship is a gift, but it’s a responsibility you must take up for a lifetime. The best friendships are built on trust, respect, and effort.
As we go through life, we tend to gain and lose friends, but the ones who stay are the ones who genuinely care and love you. They are the ones who make life meaningful. So, celebrate friendships that value you and be the friend that you’d personally want to have.