Friends with Benefits: Should You or Shouldn’t You?

Relationship dynamics are tangled these days. However, in the realm of twisted relationships, the term “friends with benefits” (FWB) has gained popularity. To top it all, some films highlight this scenario. But do these types of relationships work? Is there any future? And what exactly it stands for? Let’s find out all about it in this comprehensive article.
What Do Friends with Benefits Mean?
FWB represents a type of arrangement where individuals involved engage in casual sexual activities without going for a committed relationship. On top of it, they stay friends and simply indulge in physical intimacy or, you may say, casual sex. Actually, this type of relationship is something between friendship and a romantic relationship.
In fact, it starts with friendship, where people involved have shared interests and mutual respect and enjoy each other’s company. They also indulge in casual activities like partying, movie nights, spending time with each other’s friends, etc.
In fact, both parties have zero expectations from each other or do not expect a committed relationship. Most importantly, friends with benefits is a short-duration relationship, and both parties can date other people as well!
How to Have a Successful Friends with Benefits Relationship?
Some might find this relationship too much, but there are people who want to make it a success. So, here are some tips for those who want to make this relationship work.
1. Choose someone who is interested
Not everyone might want to fall into this relationship, isn’t it? So, it would help if you chose a partner who wants to have friends with benefits relationship – who is genuinely interested? And who is wholeheartedly “available.” Because if they are freshly out of a breakup or recuperating from the loss of their loved one, they might be emotionally weak. Due to this, there is a chance that they will get emotionally attached.
Therefore, to avoid this fiasco, it’s best to choose someone who is clear-minded and knows the rules of a friends with benefits relationship.
2. Have clear boundaries in place
Time and again, it has been defined that setting boundaries is essential in any relationship. According to an article by Stanford University, boundaries help determine what is wrong and right in a relationship. Furthermore, the article adds that boundaries help in protecting our well-being.
Clearly defining boundaries and expectations from the outset ensures mutual understanding and respect. The person you are choosing will know what you expect from the relationship and how it is going to be—to avoid any hassles.
3. Have clear communication
Every person has their own reasons to be in a FWB relationship. Besides, during the course, they might experience a series of emotions, expectations, etc. And all this air can be cleared only with clear and transparent communication.
Therefore, regularly check in with each other to discuss feelings, boundaries, and any changes in expectations. Besides, if the partner you chose is new to the whole process, they can become comfortable only after you clearly communicate with them.
4. Keep a check on safety
Well, FWB is all about having a sexual relationship. Therefore, having safe sex should be your top-notch priority, and that’s NON-NEGOTIABLE! Besides, if you have multiple partners, it’s best to communicate clearly about it.
5. Manage your expectations well
You must understand that FWB relationships are inherently casual and may not evolve into romantic partnerships. Yes, sometimes people need clarification and might need help understanding the emotional signals the heart gives. Hence, you have to avoid projecting unrealistic expectations onto the arrangement.
The arrangement is all about physical desires; keep to that. Don’t let any of the parties cross that line: no personal details, emotional talks, or oversharing.
6. Have a duration in mind
It’s important to consider the length of this relationship. This will save you from encountering an awkward situation. Also, have a plan for ending the relationship. We insist on a healthy end where both parties are hale and hearty about it.
What Are the Friends with Benefits Rules?
Establishing ground rules is crucial in FWB relationships to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Some common rules include:
- Have an honest communication. Be it about boundaries, feelings, duration, or expectations.
- Maintain a level of emotional attachment. Be very particular about the boundaries and ensure you do not develop romantic feelings.
- Use protection no matter what! As mentioned above, it is non-negotiable.
- Consent is very important in any relationship. Every time you decide to rendezvous, ensure that you both have given consent. Mind you, consent should always be a priority, and neither party should feel pressured into any activity.
- FWB is meant to be casual, so get into that groove. Don’t go for romantic activities like dates, family outings, etc. Let the focus be physical desire and nothing else.
- There should be freedom to date other people. And if you are doing so, both parties should be free from jealousy or possessiveness.
What Are The Benefits of Friends with Benefits?
Well, some think of this relationship as taboo, but it has many benefits.
- With FWB, there is sexual satisfaction. Instead, this relationship offers you a safe space to explore your sexual desires without getting entangled in the emotional complexities of a romantic relationship.
- You get emotional independence. Also, you get to enjoy your freedom and pursue your personal goals without being tied down by emotional obligations.
- It’s observed that FWB usually works among pre-existing friendships, further enhancing the bond between individuals without the pressure of romantic expectations.
- FWB provides a way for an individual to explore and experiment with their sexual desires, especially where they are not being judged.
- There is no commitment nor any responsibility. You can freely do whatever you wish to without any obligations. Besides, you can end the relationship whenever you want!
Over to you…
Friends with benefits relationships offer a unique and casual approach to sexual intimacy, allowing individuals to enjoy physical pleasure without the obligations of a romantic partnership. However, clear communication, respect for boundaries, and managing expectations are crucial for a successful FWB arrangement.
By understanding these dynamics, rules, and potential consequences, individuals can navigate FWB relationships with honesty, integrity, and respect for themselves and their partners cum friends.